Renaissance festival businesswear.
Renaissance festival businesswear.
Wa wa Wa Wa, Wa, Wa, wa Waa, Wa! Wa! Wa wa Wa Wa, Wa, Wa! Wa!
This is heretical.
Ah yes, paranoid frog character, beloved internet meme. Personally, I'm a big fan of overbearing significant other, but whatever floats your float.
Rad dragon, very goofy.
Hell yeah.
Very fun! A worthy entry for pixel day.
Alright, I'll give you a prompt. Should I message you?
yes please. what would you like?
And btw keep in mind that this is my first commission so this is a bit new for me.
Very sharp! He's a bit handsome for Warhammer, though.
Considering he's survived the plagues of Nurgle, he's lucky to be in good shape.
Ghoul Society Information
Christmas R. Franklin School
Grando City Fortress
Joined on 11/20/18